Guntur, January 11: Dogs are barking on the main road in Sampat Nagar, Guntur. A six-year-old girl who was walking on that road was suddenly attacked by stray dogs. The child screamed in fear and the women who were passing by ran away and rescued her in time. The danger was averted by sending the dogs away. The girl, who ran away in fear of the dogs, fell down and got injured. The girl was immediately taken to the hospital for treatment. It is known that dogs attacked a six-year-old boy in the same area ten days ago. Guntur Mayor Kavati Manohar Naidu and the locals are expressing their anger against the officials. Concern is being expressed that the authorities are not paying attention to the dogs barking at the pedestrians. Despite a series of incidents, the mayor and the corporation’s administration are being criticized for being incompetent. As stray dogs are rampant in the city, locals are anxious to get out.
It is known that stray dogs have been attacking children and old people in many places in Telugu states for some time now. Children and elderly people are being targeted. Such incidents have been happening in the city for some time. On the other hand, similar incidents are happening in Telangana too. Last month, stray dogs attacked children, one in Katbullapur and another in LBnagar. Children who were injured in the attack of stray dogs are receiving treatment in local hospitals. Local people are pleading with the municipal authorities and public representatives to protect them from stray dogs.