Telangana Sankranthi Holidays 2024: Schools in Telangana will be given Sankranthi Holidays from Friday (January 12). Students will have Sankranthi Holidays from January 12 to 17 due to Sankranthi festival. While January 13 is the 2nd Saturday.. January 14 is Bhogi, January 15 is Sankranti and January 16 is Kanuma. These holidays are applicable to all schools except missionary schools. The Education Department has said that strict action will be taken if private educational institutes conduct classes on festival holidays in the name of syllabus. Meanwhile, on January 25, Sunday and January 26, Republic Day is coming, once again a series of holidays will come for the students.
The Sankranti celebrations will start from January 12. On the second Saturday of January 13, followed by the Bhogi festival on Sunday, January 14. Sankranti festival is coming on Monday, January 15. Also, there is Kanuma festival on January 16. Meanwhile, on January 17, the government has given an additional holiday to schools. With this, holidays are coming to schools for six days.
4 days for junior colleges. . .
TS Inter Board has announced Sankranthi holidays for Junior Colleges (Telangana Inter Colleges) in Telangana. An official notification was issued on January 6. This time Sankranthi Holidays will be given for 4 days to all the inter colleges. To this extent, including the government junior colleges in the state, all the colleges will have Sankranthi holidays from January 13 to 16. Colleges will reopen on January 17. Officials have made it clear that no classes will be held during the Sankranti holidays. The board has warned that strict action will be taken if it is carried out.
Holidays in AP are like this. . .
It is known that the government has announced Sankranti Holidays for 10 days for all the schools in AP. With this, Sankranti holidays have come into effect for schools from Tuesday (January 9). Education department officials have issued warnings to all schools that strict action will be taken if classes are held on holidays. However, there have been slight changes in Sankranti holidays in the state. Originally, it was announced that there would be holidays till January 16.. But after that the government made changes.. It announced that all the schools in the state will be given holidays for 10 days from January 9 to 18. Schools will resume on January 19. And this time, the second Saturday on January 13, Bhogi festival on January 14 and Sankranti festival on January 15. The government has said that the holidays have been extended till January 18 due to two days of general public holidays. Colleges have holidays from January 11 to January 17.
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