The combo of Mahesh Babu and Trivikram will do wonders at the box-office if the content is impressive. Their third collaboration Guntur Kaaram is all set for a grand release on January 12th. Dil Raju shares a great bonding with the team and the producer China Babu. He is distributing the film in Nizam region and he acquired the theatrical rights of Guntur Kaaram for Rs 45 crores. He watched the film today in a private screening and his review says that Guntur Kaaram is a Blockbuster.
Dil Raju himself shared the news with his close industry friends. The advance bookings for Guntur Kaaram are outstanding and the film is in the top slot in the Sankranthi race. Mahesh Babu, Sree Leela, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Ramya Krishna and Prakash Raj are the lead actors in this mass entertainer. Haarika and Hassine Creations are the producers. Apart from Guntur Kaaram, Venkatesh’s Saindhav, Nagarjuna’s Naa Saami Ranga and Teja Sajja’s Hanu Man are the other releases for this Sankranthi.