Hanu Man is hitting the screens on January 12th and it will compete with several Tollywood biggies. The film is also heading for a record release in Hindi. The grand pre-release event of Hanu Man took place last night and Megastar Chiranjeevi attended the event as a special guest. The team pledged that Rs 5 from every ticket of Hanu Man will be donated to Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. Megastar Chiranjeevi announced the news on the stage and he called it a great move from the team.
During his speech, Teja Sajja gave the entire credit of Hanu Man to director Prashanth Varma and praised his efforts. Hanu Man is a super hero film but the film is struggling to get enough number of screens in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh because of the big budget films. The producer urged the audience to watch Hanu Man on the big screen for the best experience. Amritha is the leading lady in Hanu Man and Niranjan Reddy produced this interesting attempt.