Roosters Are Being Fed Viagra And Shilajit: As Sankranti is coming, there is a lot of buzz in the coastal districts. Even though the festival is only for three days, the buzz continues throughout the month. People spend happy time like chicken race, new brides and new crops. Especially for the three days of the Sankranti festival, there are chicken races going on everywhere. For them, weights are drawn and beams are prepared a month in advance. But this time the bet chickens were infected with pests. The stakes were infected with a viral disease called Deranikhet which weakened them. During the Sankranthi season, the chickens were affected by pests, causing concern among the breeders. All the chickens are becoming weak. Chickens in the ring should be strong. The opponent should be strong enough to attack the chicken. That’s when the race goes on. But due to pests the chickens become unfit for competitions. Beams are significantly affected due to Ranikhet disease. If infected with this disease, chickens cannot stand in the ring.
Such food for chickens
Breeders are looking for new ways to rapidly increase energy in such chickens. Efforts are being made to make them strong by feeding them with a cocktail of Viagra, Shilajit and vitamins. However, veterinarians are issuing warnings about this. These substances may temporarily improve performance in chickens, but warn of future harm to chickens. It is claimed that if people eat such chickens, their health will be damaged.
That’s why
Reacting to the plight of chickens, a breeder revealed the challenges facing the poultry industry. He said that the chickens should be prepared for the Sankranti celebrations and the competition depends on the weight and agility of the chickens. He said that if the chickens are weak, no one will buy them and they will not be able to work for the races. He expressed his concern that he will have to lose crores if the chickens raised after spending lakhs for years are not sold. He said that efforts are being made to keep the chickens strong at least during Sankranti.
In hundreds of crores of Rs
Cockfighting is an integral part of Sankranti celebrations. These competitions are mainly held in the joint Guntur, Krishna and Ubhaya Godavari districts. On 14th, 15th and 16th of January, weights are being generated in those areas. The trained beams descend into the ring. Races are held in hundreds of crores. There are those who became millionaires in one day. There are those who have lost their farm, property, house, everything. However, even though the police say that organizing cockfights is a crime and legal action will be taken, this trend continues every year.