Top filmmaker Dil Raju produced two super hits with Nani: MCA and Nenu Local. The duo has been trying hard to team up again but it did not happen. There are strong speculations that Balagam Venu is in talks with Nani for a film and a meeting took place recently. Nani liked the plot and a couple of meetings are planned soon before the project gets finalized. Dil Raju who produced Balagam with Venu loved the idea of his second film and he felt that Nani would be the right choice.
After Cibi Chakravarthi’s film with Nani got cancelled, several producers are in talks with Nani for a project. There are strong reports that Trivikram will direct Venkatesh and Nani in a multi-starrer soon. Nani has Dasara fame Srikanth’s film lined up from December this year. He will wrap up the shoot of Saripodaa Sanivaram by the end of May. He has a slot open from June this year. Dil Raju is trying hard to lock Nani with Balagam Venu and complete the hattrick film.