The countdown has begun for the theatrical release of Creative Director Prasanth Varma’s magnum opus Hanu-Man starring Young Hero Teja Sajja. The Indian Original Superhero film produced by K Niranjan Reddy will have a global release for this Sankranthi on the 12th of this month with premieres in different locations in domestic and overseas areas.
Primeshow Entertainment and Nirvana Cinemas who just scored a blockbuster with Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal together are releasing Hanu-Man in Overseas. The US Premieres will happen on January 11th and the bookings opened for the movie in the territory today.
Hanu-Man is one of the most-awaited movies and each promotional material increased the hype. Starting from the teaser to the recently released trailer and also the songs created an eagerness to watch the movie. As the promos promised, the movie will appeal to audiences of all sections of audiences. In fact, there is no age or class restriction for superhero movies.
With their wide experience, they are going to clock a humongous release despite the crowded Sankranthi season.
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