Minister Sitakka interacted with the tribals in the Adilabad public administration program. As part of the public administration inauguration ceremony, Minister Sitakka participated in Jamini, adivasi village of Jainath mandal. Sitakka said that he is happy that the CM has given him the responsibility as the in-charge minister of Adilabad forest district. On this occasion, he told the lower level employees who were addressing him as Madam, that he is still Sitakka and should be called Sitakka.
Sitakka said that Adilabad will be included in the Congress government by right. He said that coming to Jamini as part of public administration, starting the program of public administration from Komurambhim soil gave him more satisfaction as a tribal child. He said that the six guarantees in public administration are that the officials, staff and party workers will help in every way without any difficulty in the application process. He called upon the local youth to help the illiterate people in the tribal areas. He said that in the past, the government did not need to line up at Xerox centers and make applications. Officials and staff would come to people and take applications. He said that the promises given will be strictly implemented.. The process of new ration cards will continue continuously. He said that the Congress government will fulfill everyone’s dream of owning a home.