Bollywood actors Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are happily married and they are blessed with a baby girl Raha recently. The duo introduced their daughter Raha to the world for the first time today. The family arrived at the Kapoor’s Christmas lunch today and Ranbir, Alia introduced Raha to the media outside the venue. Raha has the features of Late Rishi Kapoor and she looked cute in a white and pink dress. Alia looked beautiful in a floral dress and Ranbir was dressed in a black jacket.
The pictures and the videos went viral in no time. Ranbir Kapoor is riding high with the super success of Animal and he is on a break. He will begin the shoot of Ramayana next year in March. Alia Bhatt is busy with multiple projects and she is now the highest paid Bollywood actress.