Mythri Movie Makers acquired the theatrical rights of Salaar for an astonishing price and the film is releasing in record number of screens on December 22nd. The production house applied for hike in ticket prices and to screen extra shows across Telangana and the government granted permission for the same. Salaar will be screened across 20 theaters in Hyderabad at 1 AM on December 22nd. The single screens are given a price hike upto Rs 253.70 and the multiplexes upto Rs 413 for the first week. The government also allowed to screen six shows across the state for a week. This would be a great boost for the film in Telangana.
But things in Andhra Pradesh are completely different. The single screens can hike the price upto Rs 194.70 while the multiplexes are allowed to hike the ticket fare upto Rs 224.20. All these prices are excluding the taxes. There are no permissions given to screen extra shows in AP. Directed by Prashanth Neel, Salaar is an actioner featuring Prabhas in the lead role. Hombale Films, the producers of KGF bankrolled Salaar on a large scale.