Chief Minister Revanth Reddy said that a new Telangana Bhawan will be built in the national capital New Delhi to reflect the culture of Telangana. Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Bhavan in New Delhi, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy focused on the division of common property between the two states. He held a review on this issue with Telangana Bhavan Resident Commissioner Gaurav Uppal and Bhavan OSD Sanjay Jaju on Tuesday at his residence in New Delhi. What is the total area of the Bhawan? The Chief Minister inquired about the details of the buildings, their condition and Telangana’s share in it. Officials said that there is a total of 19.781 acres of land. This includes Sabari Block, internal roads, Godavari Block on 8.781 acres of Sambun Bhawan, Old Nursing Hostel on 3.359 acres and Pataudi House on 7.641 acres, officials said.
The CM asked how much land will come under Telangana’s share. According to the state redistribution act, the officials informed the Chief Minister that 8.245 acres of land will go to our state Telangana and 11.536 acres will go to AP (in the ratio of 41.68:58.32). The CM inquired about the current condition of the buildings, the condition of the residences of the officers and staff… As they were built three to four decades ago, most of them have fallen into disrepair and are being repaired… The CM said on this occasion that a new building should be constructed to reflect the cultural traditions of Telangana. Before that, the CM ordered the officials to focus on the division of assets between the two states. Many instructions were given to the officials on the division of assets.
CM Revanth’s meeting with KC Venugopal ended
It seems that after the PAC meeting at Gandhi Bhavan, he discussed with the high command the ministerial posts to be filled in the cabinet of CM Revanth Reddy who is on Delhi tour. Also, Revanth Reddy had a meeting with KC Venugopal on the list of aspirants for MLC posts and who should be appointed in more than 90 nominated posts. The meeting between CM Revanth Bheti and Venugopal continued for more than half an hour. Selection of nominated posts, MLCs.. It seems that there was a discussion on the position of newcomers in the cabinet. Later, there is a chance to meet CM Revanth Reddy, Kharge, Sonia and Rahul. A copy of the PAC resolution will be handed over to Revanth Reddy Kharge.
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