On the orders of CM Revanth Reddy, the police came into action. Special attention was paid to drug smuggling. CM Revanth Reddy has already conducted a review with the officers of the Narcotics Enforcement Bureau and issued several key orders. The officials briefed the CM on the measures being taken to prevent the trafficking of drugs and ganja in Telangana. The Chief Minister directed the officials in the meeting to take strict measures to eliminate drug gangs. On the orders of CM Revanth Reddy, narcotics officers and Hyderabad police boss Srinivas Reddy have stepped into the field to eradicate drug gangs. Narcotics Bureau Director Sandeep Sandlya said that TS NAB is working with the aim of making Telangana drug free. He said that the CM’s orders will be followed in the matter of drugs. Police will be trained for drug eradication on the lines of Greyhounds and Octopus police. Sandeep Sandilya suggested that parents, teachers and police should work together to ensure that students stay away from drugs. The film industry has also been kept under special surveillance. They said that a helpline has been set up for drug control.
Recently, Kothakota Srinivas Reddy, who has taken charge as the CP of Hyderabad, has directed to check drugs and ganja Ravana. CP wants to completely eliminate drugs in Hyderabad within two months. These orders were issued in a review conducted with Hyderabad City Police officials. He said that measures should be taken to curb drugs. The police commissioner has warned that friendly police applies only to real victims. He made it clear that there will be no tolerance for abuse.
The ruling and opposition parties have already come together for a drug-free Telangana. When the Chief Minister asked in the Assembly to cooperate with all parties in the eradication of drugs, the opposition declared its support.
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