Former Chief Minister of Telangana, BRS chief K. Chandra Shekhara Rao is gradually recovering. He underwent hip replacement surgery at Yashoda Hospital in Somajiguda and his health condition is gradually improving. Everyone wants KCR to recover quickly and see him in public again. In this context, Telangana CM Revanth Reddy, Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka, former CM Chandrababu Naidu, Megastar Chiranjeevi, Telangana BSP Chief RS Praveen Kumar, Bhim Army Chief Chandrasekhar Azad and other film and political celebrities personally visited KCR. Recently, Tollywood actor Akkineni Nagarjuna met the head of BRS. Along with his brother producer Akkineni Venkat, Yashoda went to the hospital and visited KCR. KCR greeted him warmly and learned about his blessings. Wished for a speedy recovery. He also chatted with former ministers KTR and Srinivas Goud for a while. Before that, Agriculture Department and Cooperation Department Minister Tummala Nageswara Rao visited KCR. Greeted him and learned about his health condition.
In the meantime, KCR appealed to the BRS party ranks and activists not to come to the hospital for him. This will cause trouble to other patients in the hospital. The BRS chief released a video saying that he will soon recover and meet everyone. ‘Please cooperate. Hundreds of patients including me should not suffer. He will recover and come back to you soon. Doctors are not sending me out because of infection. No one should come to Yashoda Hospital. I am just recovering and soon I will be back to normal. Until then, exercise restraint. As there are hundreds of patients in the hospital, I am taking this tough decision so that they do not suffer because of us. “Party ranks and fans should cooperate,” said KCR in a hoarse voice.
Nagarjuna talking to KCR..
Famous film actor Akkineni Nagarjuna visited BRS chief KCR.
KCR greeted him warmly and learned about his blessings. Wished for a speedy recovery.@iamnagarjuna pic.twitter.com/tC46l6nWwC
— BRS Party (@BRSparty) December 13, 2023
Minister Thummala with KCR..
Minister Shri Tummala Nageswara Rao visited BRS Chief Shri KCR who is undergoing treatment at Yashoda Hospital. pic.twitter.com/dlW2etzBpE
— BRS Party (@BRSparty) December 13, 2023
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