Whatsapp Channel Features: WhatsApp currently has more than 200 crore users worldwide. The company also keeps giving new updates to the app from time to time. A few months ago WhatsApp launched the channel feature. Through this, users can connect with their favorite content creators and celebrities. Now the company is going to add more features to it. If you have a WhatsApp channel then these features will be useful for you.
According to an article by Wabetainfo… three new features are coming to WhatsApp channels. Away channel alert, hide navigation level, search messages by date. Channel Alerts can be viewed by going to ‘Channel Info’. Here you will also find updates. Has your channel broken any rules? That is also known there.
Apart from this, the company is also going to bring another new feature. Same as hiding the navigation level while scrolling down. Apart from this, you can also know the messages by date.
Currently these updates are available in WhatsApp beta version. It is likely to be available to all users soon. If you want updates related to this then you have to enroll in WhatsApp beta program.
WhatsApp has recently started working on another new feature as well. By this you can also hide secret chats in this instant messaging app. This feature can be found in the latest beta version of the WhatsApp Android app. If it becomes available, your hidden chats will be visible only if you enter the secret code. Now if you open the WhatsApp app and swipe down the main screen, you will see the chats that we have hidden above. But now they can be accessed only when the secret code is entered through the feature that WhatsApp is going to bring. Apart from this, the username feature will also be available for WhatsApp channels.
If you install WhatsApp Android beta version you can set a secret code in the messaging app. For this, open the locked chats list and open the three dot menu shown above. Then you have to go to Chat Lock Settings and enable the ‘Hide Locked Chats’ option. For this you also need to enter a secret code. But it is important that you remember that secret code carefully. Because remember that all locked chats will be cleared if you ever forget the code and want to reset later.
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