Telangana CM Revanth Reddy in Delhi Delhi: Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy is visiting Delhi. Revanth Reddy, who recently went to invite party leaders to take oath as CM, went to Delhi again on Friday. CM Revanth Reddy has resigned from his MP post. To this extent, it seems that the resignation letter has been submitted to the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. One of the top leaders of AICC, Manikyam Thakur himself took Revanth Reddy to Speaker Om Birla. Revanth Reddy submitted his resignation letter from the Lok Sabha membership to Speaker Birla.
Later, they went to discuss state politics and cabinet issues with the Congress leadership. A total of 12 ministers including the CM took oath in the state. Six more ministerial posts are to be allotted. Revanth Reddy will discuss this matter with the leadership. It is reported that the names of the other ministers of the cabinet will be finalized by night as the assembly meetings will begin on Saturday, and CM Revanth Reddy will return from Delhi to Hyderabad.